トップページ > 調査研究 > 研究開発評価(政策評価相互)研修会関係重要文献リスト



 [1]  平成13年度経済産業省委託調査『研究開発プロジェクト等の評価手法に関する調査』(財)政策科学研究所(2002.3)

[2]  平成13年度経済産業省委託調査『技術評価に係る評価人材の育成等に関する調査』(財)政策科学研究所(2002.3)

[3]  Kostoff (Office of Naval Research), “Handbook of Research Impact Assessment,” Edition7., NTIS, (1997)

http://www.stormingmedia.us/12/1206/A120692.html (※有料)

[4]  Bozeman,Barry (ed.), Melkers,Julia (ed.), “Evaluating R&D Impacts: Methods and Practice”, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1993)

[5] Gerhard Becker and Stefan Kuhlmann, “Evaluation of Technology Policy Programmes inGermany,” Kluwer Academic Publishers (1995)

[6]  Callon,Michel,Laredo,Philippe, Mustar,Philippe, “The strategic management of research and technology”, Editions Economica (1997)

[7]    OTA, “Research Funding as an Investment: Can We Measure the Returns?

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[8] Georghiou,Luke, Roessner,David, “Evaluating technology programs: tools and methods”, Research Policy, Vol.29, 657-678 (2000)

http://ideas.repec.org/a/eee/respol/v29y2000i4-5p657-678.html (※有料)

[9]  PREST, AUEB, BETA, ISI, Joanneum Research, IE HAS, Wise Guys, “Assessing the Socio-economic Impacts of the Framework Programme”, (2002.6)


[10]  Joint Research Centre-IPTS and Joanneum Research, “RTD Evaluation

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[11]  National Research Council, “The Advanced Technology Program: Assessing Outcomes”,NationalAcademyPress (2001)


[12]  David Roessner, et al., “The Role of NSF’s Support of Engineering in Enabling Technological Innovation,” SRI International, (1997)


[13]  David Roessner, et al., “The Role of NSF’s Support of Engineering in Enabling Technological Innovation, PhaseⅡ,” SRI International, (1998)


[14] Ken Guy, “Strategic Options for the Evaluation of the R&D Programmes of the European Union”, Technopolis Ltd. (1998.11)

fschaerlaeken@europarl.eu.int (English, free of charge)

[15]  ロバート K. イン『ケース・スタディの方法-第2版』千倉書房(1996)

[16]  林知己夫編『社会調査ハンドブック』朝倉書店(2002)

[17]  田尾雅夫・若林直樹『組織調査ガイドブック』有斐閣(2001)

[18]  小池和男『聞きとりの作法』東洋経済新報社(2000)

[19]  大谷伸介・木下栄二他『社会調査へのアプローチ』ミネルヴァ書房(1999)

[20] David H. Guston, “The expanding role of peer review processes in the United States,” in Philip Shapira and Stefan Kuhlmann (ed.), Learning from Science and Technology Policy Evaluation –Experiences from the United States and Europe, pp.81-97, Edward Elgar, 2003

[21]NationalAcademyof Public Administration, “A Study of the National Science Foundation’s Criteria for Project Selection,” 2001.2


[22]  THE FIFTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME, “Manual of Proposal Evaluation Procedures,” 2002.3.4


[23]  Sir Gareth Roberts, “Review of research assessment –Reported by Sir Gareth Roberts to theUKfunding bodies-,” 2003.5


[24]  Comité National d’évaluation, “Repères pour l’évaluation Rapport au Président de la République,” 2002


[25] Rosalie Ruegg and Irwin Feller, “A Toolkit for Evaluating Public R&D Investment:Models, Methods, and Findings from ATP’s First Decade,” 2003.


   26 Philip Shapira and Stefan Kuhlmann Ed., “Learning from Science and Technology Policy Evaluation,” Edward Elgar, 2003



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